Grace Unveiled: From Abuse to Redemption

I had the privilege this month to sit down with my Sister in Christ, Jan Johnson on her podcast, Just Talking About Jesus. During the show I share a bit of a cliff notes version of my testimony and the muck and mire that our Lord pulled me out of. I have linked it below and it can be found wherever you listen to your Podcast at!

I hope my testimony blesses you and reminds you – that our God is so good, so forgiving, and IS ALWAYS in the process of redeeming.

From the Just Talking About Jesus website:
Nakesha Womble didn’t always have a picture perfect life. 

She shares her journey from a childhood marred by abuse and trauma to finding redemption and healing through her found faith in God.

Despite facing unimaginable hardships, Nakesha discovers unexpected moments of grace and restoration.

Through candid conversations and personal anecdotes, Nakesha explores the transformative power of faith, forgiveness, and resilience.

From abusive relationships to self-harm and addiction, Nakesha’s story is a testament to the enduring love of Jesus and the miracles that can arise from the darkest of circumstances. 

Tune in to be inspired by her journey of healing, redemption, and the profound impact of encountering God’s grace in the most unexpected ways.

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