Pay attention to your fruit…

In today’s world I have unfortunately found that in my desire to make things orderly, I often have my “self” at the center of that need. Not desiring to make things orderly for the glory of God but to minimize my ordinary workload. I will admit much of this is not original to me, but it has blessed me and continues to sanctify me…

Looking back in Genesis – Adam and his helper, Eve, brought order to God’s earth with goodness, thoughtfulness, and authority. They imaged God and brought Him glory. There was dignity in their everyday lives because their work found its origins in God’s command.

As mothers, we continue to reflect God’s character in each moment as we conform to to His likeness. Ordinary moments existed before the fall and they were not demeaned or dismissed by God. Instead they were good and valuable for the flourishing of life.

Unfortunately, Eve wasn’t satisfied with the fullness of God’s provision in Eden or the knowledge and responsibilities He had given her. Instead she listened to the serpent, who tempted her to seek the extraordinary… becoming like God himself. 🍎

She was the first human who wanted to step outside of the ordinary, human, limited bounds of God’s command into something greater, godlike and unlimited.

This spills over into our lives today when we want to skip over todays mundane – wiping counters, cleaning messes, sweeping, diaper changes, emails, bills, and so on…

When we do this we stop finding our identity in who we are (image bearers of God) and start trying to find it in what we do. But when we start to rank the value of our lives in external circumstances, we will NEVER be content with our day-to-day lives.

As long as we pride ourselves in being able to speed through normalcy so we can get on to the better parts of life, we’re walking in the faithless footsteps of Eve. 🦶 🚶‍♀️

God works in both ugly, and the mundane to bring new life, redemption, and his sovereign plan to fruition, and such is the same for those indwelled with the Holy Spirit. All the moments of our lives – ordinary and extraordinary- will give us reason to fall before the Lamb on the throne, worshipping HIS worthiness in ALL things.

Being thoughtful with our time is a good thing but my/our deepest longing for glory and purpose is found in Christ.

👉🏻It might be mundane to fold laundry, but its extraordinary to do it patiently with joy and a heart of love.
👉🏻It might be mundane to sit on the couch and read another book to a whiny four-year-old, but it’s extraordinary to show kindness and mercy to an undeserving sinner.
👉🏻It might be mundane to fill the fridge with groceries, but it’s extraordinary to praise God for his provision.
🙌Our everyday moments might be ordinary, but when we accomplish them while displaying the fruit of the Spirit, they reflect our extraordinary Savior.

(Gen. 2:15,19) (Gen. 3:5-6) (2 Cor. 5:21) (Col. 1:27) (Gal. 5:22-23) (Rom. 11:36)

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