Standing Firm

Such a comfort this morning! I am doing a chronological study through the Bible and this last week I read about Hannah who dedicated her child to the Lord and David who followed the Lord at a great cost. And – examples not to follow like Saul who willfully disobeyed God’s word. (1 Samuel 1-24; Psalm 59; Psalm 91).

One of the things I find really interesting contrasting David and Saul, is that although both of them used religious language to discuss their surrounding circumstances – David’s conscience was sensitive to the Lord and doing what was right in various circumstances. On the other hand Saul was spiritually insensitive, and even allowing him to order the execution of the Priests of the Lord.

A great example of how “saying” the right things is meaningless – if the Lord does not have your whole heart. “He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭37‬-‭38‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Reading Psalm 91 in light of scripture as a whole – brings me to Thanksgiving! Thanking the Lord for His protection in many ways at different times in my life. I can trust Him to bring great things in times of suffering because HE is faithful. He continues to shape and develop His great plan for His people!

A note in my Bible points out that it was Psalm 91 that Satan used to tempt Jesus in the wilderness (Lk. 4:9-12), “God won’t let you get hurt will he?”…
Evaluate this idea in light of the cross…

So today when the world is looking to “signs and wonders” of the eclipse or the chaos of what seems like everything…

Look up ⬆️

The Lord God is a God of order. From the vastness of the universe to the simplicity of a flower there is evidence of a divine organization. Haphazardness and chaos are not part of His government. Symmetry and harmony are His ways. Randomness and disorder are never His modes of administration.

From creation to the end of time, God has had a plan and has worked that plan. He is timely, precise, and true to His Word.

These are His characteristics and they are to be ours. We are not to come and go whenever we want to, but whenever we are to.

Spontaneity may be exciting and have an appearance of freedom, but in reality, it more than often proves to be the cause of harm and misfortune. Our God is a God of order; therefore, we are to be a people of order.

“God doesn’t want me to play with religion. He doesn’t want me to dabble in church. He wants me—body and soul.”

R. C. Sproul (1939–2017)

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